About Inner and Outer motivation
There are two forms of motivation: The one form comes from outside and the other motivation comes from within. If you want to succeed it is definetely important to get motivated from outside, but far more important is your inner motivation.
Written by a friend om mine, Till...//Robin
From a ordinary day work to a public success
How can you make your bussiness to a success is one of the many questions.
I serched on youtube for some films and found these fish sellers on a market in seattle.
They change my way to look at the "ordinary" work. They manage to change their fish market place to a World Wide success. People around the world travels to seattle just to see these guys working.
They manage it because the great team work.
To get a successful business:
-Come up with a new briliant idea
-Change a idea to a better/cheaper/more environment-friendly
-They tooked a old one and made it fun
-The best leader
-A great team -They picked the right guys for the work
Remeber: Even if you have the lousiest idea you can manage to make money of you are a great leader. Of course, it's the other way too...
The fish market in seattle
I serched on youtube for some films and found these fish sellers on a market in seattle.
They change my way to look at the "ordinary" work. They manage to change their fish market place to a World Wide success. People around the world travels to seattle just to see these guys working.
They manage it because the great team work.
To get a successful business:
-Come up with a new briliant idea
-Change a idea to a better/cheaper/more environment-friendly
-They tooked a old one and made it fun
-The best leader
-A great team -They picked the right guys for the work
Remeber: Even if you have the lousiest idea you can manage to make money of you are a great leader. Of course, it's the other way too...
The fish market in seattle
The Perfect Business
Robert Kiyoskai explains about the perfekt business.
Rich dad poor dad is a very intersting story:
Rich dad poor dad is a very intersting story: