Second part of the iPhone movie
Good luck all of you now... And sorry for the missing piece
is there a difference between the replacement glass plates? could you add a link to where you ordered it? ebay has several options for different prices.
ur video made me fuk up my phone man half the damn screen work wen u replaced the glass
Im trying to find step-by-step guide on how to glue the screen on and couldnt find one. Also, do you know when you are going to a new video on, on how to that part? Would be grateful for your help.
I don't know when a video like that will come up. But gluing was a simple part so just put some glue on the black areas and press them together.. =)
I have been able to remove the cracked screen without damaging the LCD, thanks to you of course. But my question is, will the touch screen not respond correctly until you put the new glass screen on? I am waiting for the new one to arrive but this has got me a little worried. I would appreciate it if you can get me some feed back!!! Thanks once again!!!
I have been able to remove the cracked screen without damaging the LCD, thanks to you of course. But my question is, will the touch screen not respond correctly until you put the new glass screen on? I am waiting for the new one to arrive but this has got me a little worried. I would appreciate it if you can get me some feed back!!! Thanks once again!!!
hey robin man i tried to fix my iphone the way you said but it got messed up. could you just give me one of your iphones you fixed. please. im also ptisd from youtube who requested you to make a another clearer video. thanks for everything.
Hey, i tried it, and the screen isn't responsive, if the lcd cracks in the process does that destroy my chances?
im so fuckin glad you made this video you saved me $200 for a replacement and it really wasnt that hard at all all you muther fuckers out there need to stop complaining and get down to work THIS IS NOT FAKE
Tjena... Tänkte höra om du mot ersättning kan ersätta glaset på en iphone jag har?
Mvh Ronnie
Jag hade gärna gjort det. Men det är inte riskfritt om man säger så. Jag har gjort ett antal iPhones men har faktiskt misslyckats på en. Och jag är inte så sugen på att stå för konsekvenserna om jag råkar göra sönder din.
MVH //Robin
Tja Robin! Fan nu har det meckats klart.. satte på lim igår kväll
uppe och nere på de svarta delarna, imorse funkade allt perfekt, tills jag skulle smsa:( mellanslag samt bokstaven P funkar inte.. vad kan det bero på tror du?? nu e man lite orolig att det bara ska bli värre:( SKULLE jag limma sidorna av glaset också ?.. ahh en tristt dag, hehe.. du får gärna donera en av dina byggen , kanske gjort dagen ljusare. HA DET! och tack för filmerna
Låter konstigt att det är bara de två knapparna som inte fungerar. Men nej det har inget med limningen att göra. Finns en chans att du har skadat digitizern på nåt ställe men låter konstigt då mellanslag och p inte sitter bredvid varandra.
Uh...... It is not possible to replace the glass only on the 2G. All layers of the screen are permanently attached together. I would recommend this: Code=GHT&CategoryCode=iPhone-2G-Glasstop-Replacement-On-Ebay-Myth" rel="nofollow">
first i'd like to congratulate the video and second: Robin could you please give a direct link to the site in china where u bought the screen from with only 11$?
i just cracked my glass and i'm ready to replace it, all i need is the glass! i can't find any cheap sites!
first i'd like to congratulate the video and second: Robin could you please give a direct link to the site in china where u bought the screen from with only 11$?
i just cracked my glass and i'm ready to replace it, all i need is the glass! i can't find any cheap sites!
first i'd like to congratulate the video and second: Robin could you please give a direct link to the site in china where u bought the screen from with only 11$?
i just cracked my glass and i'm ready to replace it, all i need is the glass! i can't find any cheap sites!
Hello Robin. I just ordered my glass and will be following your instructions. I'll comment back to tell you how it turned out. Question for you though, where did you apply the glue? Only on 4 corners? Behind all the glass so it's completely stuck to the LCD? I wasn't able to find the glue you used (Loctite Attak) but I did get Loctite Super Glue Brush On. Do you think that will be OK? Thanks for your help!
Hello. What remaines clear glue ?
Thx and reg.
hello. I have a question.
My display is broken too. :(.
i removed the broken pieces in the above part of my iphone. The rest of de display is almost not broken. But how can i remove this big part? I think i need to brake the big piece into big small pieces.. As you did I think. But how can I do this without destroy the LCD?
What is the url address where you buy the screen? ;).. i payd 9$..
i need your help please..
My display got broken. Ok i began to broke the glas into parts. After i finished removing the glass the above part of my display couldn´t recognize any touches anymore..
How can i fix this?? the bottom part is working perfectly. But what is the error?
Hey whats up robin? I was curious that if my iphone 2g is cracked down the middle and the left side of the screen isnt responsive but the right is do i need to buy a new LCD or just a new screen? Also what exactly is the digitizer im hearing about and will i need to buy one also?
Hey, i have a question. in your video you started from the ear piece. is it a problem if the iphone is cracked at the bottom or will not be a problem if you get the glass off without damaging the LCD.???
thanks video helped alot.
That glue is not recommended for glass, it even says so on the package.
hey, so what do you do with the home button, how did you remove it? also will everything work only if you dont damage the the layer under the glass. What did you put on the screen at the end? If you do mess it up could you still send it in to get fixed for the same price?
I will be performing this repair on my iPhone 2G soon (I already have the new glass layer, which I bought from eBay for $10), and I'll report my experience after the repair. But I notice the comments here ask most of the same questions, some of which I think I can answer before doing the repair:
-- Directly under the glass, is the touchscreen/digitizer layer, which is attached to the LCD layer below it. I don't yet know if these two layers are constructed as one piece. You need to be VERY careful during this repair, to avoid breaking the touchscreen layer.
-- After you remove the glass layer, the touchscreen layer won't work reliably, if at all, until you install a new piece of glass. The touchscreen depends on a certain distance between it and your finger, in order to work.
-- You do need to carefully break off small pieces of the glass at a time, instead of trying to remove the larger pieces intact, since trying to do so may break the touchscreen and/or the LCD layer--trying to remove larger pieces can produce too much "upward presssure" on these layers, which can break them. Removing the glass in small pieces reduces the "upward pressure" on these layers.
-- I recommend using a dull knife, or at least one that's not razor-sharp, since a sharp knife increases the chances that you might scratch the layers underneath the glass.
As for "Blake" who comments above, that "It is not possible to replace the glass only on the 2G. All layers of the screen are permanently attached together": we already know the glass screen on the iPhone 2G is glued to the LCD. That's why Robin posted these how-to movies--to show us how to remove the glass layer. Obviously, as Robin shows, the glass layer is not "permanently" attached to the LCD, if you work at it to remove it.
More to follow after I've done the repair.
anyone got an idea on how to break the glass in smaller piecer ???
Robin, many thanks for your video. There is just a few useful manuals about iPhone glass repair on YouTube. How do you think, is Building hermetic or bilaterial adhesive tape instead of glue will be suitable to this aim? Thanks again.
No more feedback ?
I have seen only one testimony telling it is not a fake... a lot of people telling "I'm going to do it"... but no one telling "Yes ! I've done it !" but the author of this blog...
Who succeed in replacing his screen ???
Btw, at the end of the part II video, the touch sensibility is not well responding, is there some manipulation mistake from you, Robin, or is there some loss of touch sensibility ?
Great post, I really like yor blog :)
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hi man....
very very impresionant video..... i like it, CONGRATULATION´s,
I have a question, y removed a glass for iphone 2G and don´t work the digitalizer, i put the new glass, i don´t put glue, and i try to unlock the phone and can´t do it, i touch a part for the screen, and didn´t respond, please can you send me u´re mail, or can helpe me more, and can u recomend to me a glue to use, thanks for all,
Tack för videon
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